Friday, July 24, 2015

Just wait and see....

Ok... Mulai hari ni kte tgk jela...sape harap kat sape.. I juz remember... She is the one who are always hoping at me.
Before this you are the one who said that during school time that I am not always in class bcos of busy with other curricular activities n she juz said that "oh.. Sorry, my mom said that I am the one who going at tuisyen class so I cannot show to you how to solve the mathematics subject at school.". What!!??? Wow.. Ade org gak yg kedekut ilmu mcm tu sekali. But the result, takde la baguih mane pun. Aku tggi lg. N bile ko susah aku no gk r yg ko carik. Bile aku ni yg susah ko penah heran ke??? Untung la........

Suke mengharap??? The hell!!??

Ko dah kenapa.... Da ko yg x dgr ape aku ckp.. Lpastu aku g kuatkan suara ko kata lain lak... Boleh lak ko ckp kat dak2 tu "die tu mmg cm tu.. Suke mgharap kat org" the hell!! Da ko tu org bawah aku.. Da terang2 la aku slalu tanye or suoh ko... Mane celah dok mgharap kat org pulak.... Sesuke mulut ko je... Kalau da x dgr tu ngaku je la(lain Kali cocok la lg telinge tu ngn earphone tu ha. Org lain pakai gak earphone Tp dgr je pulak.). X salah pun... Aku kuatkn suara sbb da 3 Kali aku tanya n ko jwb lain... Ye aku igt ko x dgr.. So aku kuatkn la suare sbb takot ko x dgr. Wa cantek punye bahase ko ckp cmtu ye. Ko yg jwb lain... Org tanye lain ko jwb lain... Lps tu x dgr xnk ngaku... Org lain ko g salahkn.. Ha bagus la perangai tu. Aku tau aku ni x la bagus mne. Tp at least aku mengaku kalau mmg aku yg salah... X payah la nk selindungkn bangkai gajah bawah selimut... Baunye keluar gk... Bentuknye nmpak gak...
Da terang lg bersuluh sape yg salah... Hmmm... Ape la nasib....